Customer Care Vouchers


KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants worldwide. The KFC headquarters of the United Kingdom and Ireland were looking to digitize their current customer care approach. They have over 950 fast-food locations across the United Kingdom. They were already invested in complaint management but were willing to transform it into a digital and trackable flow to extract customer data. Clients file their complaint, enter their details and automatically received their voucher through mail or SMS.

Their campaign setup looked like this:
To ensure a successful digital customer case, Coupontools first had to connect the platform with KFC’s CRM (Zendesk) and their current POS (Aloha POS)

First, we’ve slightly adjusted their Zendesk CRM and made the connection possible between Zendesk and Coupontools using different API calls. Once this connection was established, KFC hired the Coupontools’ design team for the creation of the digital vouchers. You’ll see an example of the voucher below in the image gallery. Due to the adjustments we’ve made to the Zendesk CRM, Coupontools ensured the right single-use voucher was automatically sent to the right person. After the voucher was sent, the ticket was automatically updated in Zendesk.

The validation of the coupon worked like this: The voucher that was sent contained a unique, 6-digit code. Since Coupontools also made a connection with Aloha POS, KFC could fulfill the validation through their POS cashier system. The cashier simply entered the 6-digit code and the voucher was validated.  Due to the connection between Coupontools and Aloha POS, there’s was automatic voucher tracking implemented. Each validation was logged. It gave intel about the time and location the validation took place. KFC also had an overview of which KFC was responsible for the complaint, how many validations per locations. These additional and live reports were necessary for KFC to arrange their internal billing correctly. 



4 main reasons for this approach:


  • Overturning a negative customer experience into a positive experience
    You can’t completely rule out customer complaints but you should pay attention to the way you handle them. Overturn a bad experience into a good one, and a complainer could become a brand advocate in the end. 

  • Time-saving and automated complaint flow
    A customer who files a complaint has to fill out his details. Before the step towards a digitized complaint management system, it was a very time-consuming job for KFC. Employees had to manually make personalized, case-related, vouchers and sent them through the mail. Since the digitized flow, most of it is automated.

  • Voucher journey
    They could easily track the voucher journey because the entire customer care campaign was digital. This brings insights such as: how much does the customer cost, how many redemptions,...

  • Safety
    A digitized process enabled another major benefit. In comparison with traditional vouchers, digital ones couldn’t be abused anymore. The voucher can only be redeemed once in one location.


The campaign summary:

  • API-Connection between Zendesk (CRM) and the Coupontools platform
    • Zendesk is their customer ticketing system. The vouchers are automatically sent through Zendesk.
  • Regular voucher created by the experienced Coupontools design team
  • Voucher distributed through email and SMS to those who filed a complaint
  • Custom Connection between their POS (Aloha POS) and the Coupontools platform
    • To ensure easy and secure validation
    • To collect as much as possible data
  • Unique, single-use vouchers to prevent fraud


Customer Care Campaign resulted in: 

  • More customer data
  • Detailed overview of 
    • The location that triggered most complaints
    • The location that has most validations
    • The number of used customer care vouchers
  • Simplified customer care approach
    • Digital
    • Automated
    • Fast & Secure
    • trackable
    • More satisfied customers


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